A Ghanaian mother known as Efya Sika from Akyem Oda in the Eastern region has earned high praise on the network after surprising her daughter on her birthday, Efya Sika who is a professional photographer gifted the daughter, identified as Aseda, a rare opportunity to work as a ‘policewoman’ as she turned five years old.
According to Oda Citizen, a Facebook page that first shared the photos of Aseda’s time with the police, the little girl dream of becoming a police officer in the future.
Being Aseda’s fifth birthday, the mother decided to give her a first-hand experience of how working as a police lady will be.
The mother’s request was gladly granted by the Akyem Oda MTTD commander who took the girl on a road check exercise, little Aseda was seen dressed beautifully in a replica police uniform and some of the photos showed Aseda standing in the middle of the road with an MTTD officer as they signaled drivers to stop or move their vehicles.