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Health or Death facility? ‘A case for’ Embu Level 5 Hospital.



Despite the very fact that the health sector in nearly all counties in Kenya is bedeviled with monumental challenges ranging from capacity gaps, human resource deficiency, lack of funds for capital and recurrent expenditure, lack of critical legal infrastructure, rampant corruption and a conflicting relationship between county, most health facilities have gone far into becoming a death traps, where patients  awaits  moments of their last breathe.

In recent occasions, Embu level 5 hospital, which is the largest public health facility in the entire county has been named as one of hospitals where one goes to die. Complaints from patients more so Embu residents who cannot afford private medical covers  going through tough times at the facility.

The issues escalated after a known footballer, Benson Muchoki was admitted at the hospital on Sunday after breaking his leg during football match. After his admission at the facility, the family were sent to a different facility for a CT scan for reasons that the scan devices were unavailable at the facility. However, after his admission at the facility, the player remained unattended for a whole week.

This comes weeks after Embu Ward Representatives  threatened to impeach County Executive Committee members on grounds of incompetence, non-performance and contravention of the law. The furious MCAs expressed their frustrations after interrogating Finance and Economic Planning County Executive Committee Member Prof. Joe Kamaria on reports of the Auditor General on: County Revenue Fund for the Year Ended 30th June, Receiver of Revenue – Revenue Statements and County Executive of Embu for the year Ended 30th June, 2023.

During a County Assembly Public Accounts Committee sitting, the Auditor General’s report revealed that a physical inspection conducted in Embu Level 5 Hospital stores in August, 2023 revealed that the facility had in stock of expired drugs whose estimated value amounting to KSh 7,9 million. The MCAs decried the incessant lack of medicine across the county, yet donated drugs were left to expire. Prof. Kamaria was at pains to explain to the Ward Reps why outstanding imprests amounting to KSh.25.4 million had not been surrendered for the last five years.

The hospital is suffering amongst other thing, Lack of medicine, Broken and malfunctioning computers and printers, obsolete facilities, leaking taps and damaged electrical appliances.




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