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Natural achia misitu na wanyama,wear makeup and dress well,’City preacher advices youths.

City preacher Pastor Victor Kanyari advises young ladies to embrace their youthfulness by enjoying dressing up and wearing makeup. He urges parents to allow their children to live their best lives, arguing that neglecting personal care contradicts God’s intentions. Kanyari emphasizes the acceptability of wearing makeup.

“Natural, achia misitu na wanyama,’ which means ‘Leave being natural to the forests and animals!’ Kanyari encourages beautifying oneself with makeup and dressing well,” he begins.

He continues by stressing the importance of dressing appropriately for one’s age and encourages young people to take care of themselves, from appearance to grooming habits. Kanyari asserts that feeling good about oneself is crucial during youth.

“To the parents watching me, please refrain from dressing your kids in outdated clothes meant for older generations. Allow them to embrace their youthfulness and express themselves through appropriate fashion, this is their time! Wamama wavae nguo za wamama na wasichana wavae nguo za wasichana,” Kanyari concludes.


Article By Suzy Nyongesa.


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