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Two brothers arrested for killing their mother’s lover for ‘insisting on sleepover’.

Police in Mbeere South, Embu County, are holding two brothers aged 19 and 30 for allegedly killing their mother’s lover, Peter Mwangi, in Itherembu village, Mariari location.


Mbeere South Police Commander Harrison Njuguna said DCI officers from Kiritiri Police Station have launched investigations to unravel the mystery leading to the death of the 45-year-old man.


“We are holding the two brothers and will seek permission from the Siakago law courts to hold them further as we pursue more information that will lead to a conclusive investigation,” said Njuguna.


Njuguna said one of the brothers, David Kinyua, 30, surrendered to the police in Kiritiri (20km from the homestead) while the other, Kelvin Macharia (19), was found asleep at his home and apprehended by the area chief and villagers.The commander said police officers took the body of the deceased to Embu Level 5 Hospital mortuary where a postmortem will be carried out in aid of further investigations.


According to a villager privy to the matter, the two brothers sought to chase away Mwangi, who had checked in at their mother’s house for a sleepover, to no avail.Meanwhile, their case is scheduled to be heard on October 16.


Article By Suzy Nyongesa.


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