In the small community of Mbuinjeru Runyenjes, a wave of drama and tension surged as the police intervened to rescue the wife of Charles Ireri, a 62-year-old man who had tragically lost his life. Suspicions loomed heavily over his wife, amidst the chaos of a mob accusing her of involvement in her husband’s murder. […]
In a shocking incident that has left the community of Embu in disbelief, a 56-year-old man has been arrested for allegedly defiling his 9-year-old granddaughter in Muchonoke village, Gaturi South. The girl’s mother was alerted to the horrifying act when her daughter’s friend called her for help. Upon arrival, she caught the father in […]
Two employees of Wells Fargo Company have gone missing after taking Ksh.94,918,750 that was collected from Quickmart supermarket. A police report stated that the company’s driver Anthony Ndiuki, and Charles Mugetha left the company’s offices in South C at around 8.30 a.m. The two, who were on board the company’s vehicle, left […]
Three students from St. Paul’s Kevote High School in Embu, were charged with arson after allegedly burning down a Ksh.4 million dormitory within the institution.The trio is said to have colluded with others to carry out the offence on October 3, 2023. Two of the students, who appeared before Embu High Court Principal Magistrate […]
Police in Mbeere South, Embu County, are holding two brothers aged 19 and 30 for allegedly killing their mother’s lover, Peter Mwangi, in Itherembu village, Mariari location. Mbeere South Police Commander Harrison Njuguna said DCI officers from Kiritiri Police Station have launched investigations to unravel the mystery leading to the death of the 45-year-old […]
The main suspect in the murder of Nairobi Hospital Acting Finance Director Eric Maigo was arrested yesternight. Police said the suspect, a minor believed to be between 15 to 17 years old, has been on the run since last week Thursday.She was arrested in Kibera slums, Nairobi in an intelligence-led operation by Directorate of […]
In modern-day society, it is not news to hear of couples who have met via dating Apps.The challenge is when people decide to fake their identities and this is commonly known as Cat fishing. Cat fishing is when one assumes another person’s identity, especially a celebrity or someone prominent. The big question is […]
Residents in Sotik, Bomet county are still in shock after the body of a 38-year-old woman was found dumped in a maize plantation. Francis Ng’ang’a the area police commander confirmed the incident noting that the woman’s body was found dumped on the outskirts of Tembwo trading centre.Ng’ang’a claims that the woman who was a […]
Limuru family is seeking justice after their two sons were brutally murdered in Nairobi’s Kamulu neighborhood last week. Johnson Karuga, 26, and his brother, Kelvin Kimani, 24, were last seen alive on the night of September 4 at a club in the Kamulu area, according to reports. According to their father, Joseph Kimani, the family […]
A middle-aged man presented himself at the Makongeni police station of Makadara after he killed his wife in Garissa where they had been staying. According to a police report, the suspect identified as Martin Wekesa Wanyonyi reported that he murdered his 22-year-old wife after realising that her six-month pregnancy was not his.The two reportedly quarrelled […]