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Did you know talking to yourself regularly has got its amazing benefits?Check it out today!.

The mind doesn’t differentiate between talking to yourself out loud and talking to yourself inside your head.So pick whichever is comfortable for you and start to practice it consciously and in context and witness some of these benefits.


Contrary to the perception that talking to oneself signals mental illness, true in rare and noticeable cases, talking to oneself is common among children and mentally sound adults. In fact, inner self talk is more common than outspoken self talk.


However, this ability is usually abused. Self talk is often reserved for the things we feel like we cannot say out loud and more often unconsciously or as an automatic reaction. But other than this security, self talk can also be practiced consciously to improve mental performance and greater self control.


It works best as a tool to link thought and action in reinforcing an instruction framework for personal tasks, skills, experience.

After all, toddlers begin to control their actions as soon as they start developing language. When approaching a hot surface, the toddler will typically say ‘hot, hot’ out loud and move away. This kind of [behavior] can continue into adulthood.

•Elevates mental performance
Self-talk may help your brain perform tasks better. In a study to measure concentration and task performance in people who read out loud instructions and those who read them silently, researchers found that the former had sustained concentration and boosted performance than the latter….“The stereotype of the mad scientist talking to themselves, lost in their own inner world, might reflect the reality of a genius who uses all the means at their disposal to increase their brainpower.

More research backs up the above results, as self talk was found to help people find items faster. It also aids visual improvement if a person talks to themself while carrying out a visually complex task.

•Self-encouragement for success
Success can be an internal affair. Encouraging oneself through self talk may heighten self confidence and reduce anxiety.When it comes to self talk for encouragement, go with neutral self talk like “what can I do?” or positive self talk.

By all means, use it to get out of negative self talk. One study found that people with low self esteem feel worse after self talk regardless if it was neutral or positive.


•Talking to yourself leads into clarity and calmness
Before engaging in self talk in a bad situation, first get some space from the situation. When dealing with negative emotions, informal evidence suggests that self talk works like a charm.And the best way to achieve this is by talking to yourself in the third person.

Self talk can help you calm down, but it can stop you from needing to calm down from negative emotions.
“we give ourselves messages all the time with the intent of controlling ourselves, whether that’s telling ourselves to keep running when we’re tired, to stop eating even though we want one more slice of cake, or to refrain from blowing up on someone in an argument, talking to ourselves in this ‘inner voice’ actually helps.”


•Improves memory
If you wish to recall something at the snap of a finger, research suggests that you read it out loud.Learning and memory benefit from active involvement. When we add an active measure or a production element to a word, that word becomes more distinct in long-term memory, and hence more memorable.

Researchers tested four methods for reserving written information……Participants were asked to read silently, read aloud, listen to someone else read, and listen to a recording of themselves reading and those who read the information out loud retained it best.

There are negative forms of self talk like telling oneself to go back to sleep, out of context ramblings that indicate or worsen mental suffering . So it takes mastery to employ self talk in contexts that are beneficial like gaining instructional framework for tasks, matching thought to action, encouraging oneself through a task step by step.


Article By Suzy Nyongesa.


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