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Struggling with your hair? Here’s how to make your own effective hair mask from bananas.

It is reported that bananas contain silica, a natural compound that helps your body to synthesise collagen that is essential for building keratin, the protein that makes up the hair.

Collagen can also help strengthen the hair roots, prevent hair follicle damage and graying. In addition, the antimicrobial properties of bananas can help heal flaky and dry scalp, which in turn helps fight dandruff.

Bananas contain a good amount of potassium, vitamin B6, vitamin C, magnesium, and protein all of which can nourish your hair.

Here’s the banana hair mask recipe to pamper your hair.

Banana and honey hair mask
This mask is great for keeping your hair hydrated and moisturized and also to improve elasticity.The antioxidants in honey can condition your scalp, and speed up healing of dry and irritated skin and can also help get rid of dandruff.

•Mash 2 ripe bananas with a fork and add 2 tablespoons of honey to it.
•Mix it well until you get a smooth paste.
•Now, slightly damp your hair and apply this mixture on it.
•Cover your head with a shower cap and let it stay for half an hour.
•Rinse off with lukewarm water before using a hair conditioner.
•Apply banana and olive oil hair mask
Note that this DIY hair mask can repair damaged hair, control frizz and thanks to its high silica content to keep your hair glowing.

Article By Suzy Nyongesa.


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