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I am open to love: Meet 123-year-old virgin in search of her Mr Right.

In a surprising revelation, Theresie Nyirakajumba, a 123-year-old woman from Rwanda, has stunned many by confessing that she is still a virgin.


In an interview, Theresie claims that she never developed any romantic feelings for men and instead embraced a life of solitude.


“People often ask me about love and relationships and how I have managed to reach this age without a boyfriend or a lover. Well my story is a bit different….“Yes, of course I’m still a virgin… I would think of it during my era but I could not take myself to a husband,” she said


However, Theresie’s story is deeply rooted in her cultural upbringing. Growing up in a household where it was considered taboo to interact with boys, she diligently adhered to the cultural teachings she received.As she reached marriageable age, her family even began searching for potential suitors. However, Theresie claims that she never developed any romantic feelings for men and instead embraced a life of solitude.


Theresie firmly states that her deep dislike of men is what has prevented her from engaging with them intimately.Despite her advanced age and eventual readiness to find love, she struggled to attract suitors.Her aversion towards men served as a barrier, making it challenging for her to form relationships as she desired untouched and her desire to find love before she passes away.


Despite her unique circumstances, Theresie remains open to the idea of love. She firmly believes that if the right man comes along, she would be willing to explore the possibilities of companionship.Theresie’s unwavering hope and willingness to embrace love reflect her resilient spirit and refusal to give up on finding her Mr. Right.


Theresie currently lives alone and does not hold a job. However, she faces challenges in maintaining her home, fearing that its age may cause it to collapse soon.The solitude she experiences sometimes leads to periods of loneliness and struggles with basic survival needs, such as going days without eating.


Article By Suzy Nyongesa.



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