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Caroline Mutoko under fire for remarks on Nairobi Expressway accident.

Media personality Caroline Mutoko has come under criticism following remarks regarding an accident that happened along the Nairobi Expressway at the Mololongo Toll Centre.

Mutoko expressed her surprise that a matatu (public service vehicle), which caused the accident, was allowed on the Expressway.
“Wait, we now have matatus on the Expressway? Courting trouble…” she commented on the crash.

Many netizens have bashed Mutoko, arguing that the road is open for a wide range of road users who can afford it.They accused her of fanning elitism over the use of the newly completed toll road, which some Kenyans have termed as expensive to use.
“It’s clear you don’t know 60% of people who live in Nairobi walk to work, 35% use public transport (matatus), and only 5% of them use cars and that the biggest share of cars on the roads are government-owned. So according to you, only 5% should use the Nairobi Expressway?” questioned city politician Alinur Mohammed.

Journalist Jeff Kinyanjui added: “Was the road designed for the privileged few? This kind of thinking is exactly why the transport system is a mess in Kenya. We should be thinking of moving the masses effectively and securely not just those with private cars.”

Mutoko’s comment was said to be discriminating against public transport users and operators.“Why should there be discrimination of who has to use the expressway, as long as you can pay? The real question should be, what caused that to happen? Accidents do happen whether you use a matatu or not! Just the other day there was an accident and it did not involve a matatu!” Naeku Edith commented.


Article By Suzy Nyongesa.