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Political suicide or chasing ambitions? Railas’ AUC chairmanship to define his political future.

  • Raila Odinga bid for the AUC chairmanship to define his political fortune in Kenya.
  • President Ruto today, on 27th August 2024 presided over the launch of Raila Odinga AUC Chairmanship at state house, Nairobi. 
  • Among the distinguished guests present are President Museveni of Uganda, Suluhu of Tanzania, Salva Kir, Kikwete amongst others. 
  • The ODM party leader declared his interest to cling  to the Africa top position around June this year, a move that was supported  by politicians from  both political divides in the country.

Rila Odinga bid for AU chair has so far been endorsed by  a number of African president. The journey of Odinga to AU is a win to Kenyans, in the African Continent. Any patriotic Kenyan may seem to support Babas ambitions to AUC chairmanship. However, there is a problem back home. A section of Kenyans feel that Rutos’ support for Raila ambitions and his bid to campign for his is a political game, aimed at sending the old man to the AU and silence him from the countries politics.

Raila Odinga has been a force to reckon in Kenyan politics with millions of followers. The man has ever since his coming to politics during the nyayo time fought for change and transition of the republic. Despite his shortcomings, Raila Odiga will go on record as one of the most progressive leaders Kenya have had.  Odinga has lost the Kenyan presidency 5 times, but he never gave up. He always showed up fight for good governance, economic stability, constitutional reforms amongst many other things that the man will be remember for.

Many Kenyans feel Raila AU chairmanship was a move by the government to get him out of Kenyan politics. I a bid to plan for 2027 political move, Ruto had to look for a way of dealing with his opposing force, since he has grown unpopular day by day. According to many Kenyans Raila Odinga is the only man in the country who can starnd in President Rutos way. In recent occurance, President Ruto appointed a number of men from Railas camp to his Cabinet.

In a launch today at the State house presided by President Ruto and attended by various heads of state, Raila said his ambitions to the AU seat is not just about him, but for greter good of the continent at large. “The African people should feel the AU in their life. My selection to be the Kenya’s candidate is not about one man ambition, but an Africans’ journey to serve the motherland I plan to constitute my cabinet of chairpersons with a continental outlook. I of an Africa where boarders and colonial language no longer divides us; Anglophones, Francophones, I want them to be Africaphones. Africa must be one” Raila Odinga said.





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