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Parenting; 7 things your father never told you

Have you ever wonder about the unspoken dreams and the silents battle your parents, more specifically your father carries in his heart? Some times fathers have been categorised as ‘absent’ or not being physically or emotionally available enough for their kids. In one sense it is true, except we don’t question these absence, we hardly interrogate the issues that our fathers goes thought to just sustain the family lives.

Here are some 7 things your father never said to you, but they really matter to hime and he wished things could be different.

  1. Behind his steady present was a constant fear of not being enough for you, of not providing the way he wished. Every father wishes to give the whole universe to their child if they could, and anytime he couldn’t give you something you wanted, that broke him silently.
  2. His love for you is oceanic, deep, vat and incomparable. While men aren’t naturally build to show emotions, they have the deepest of those emotions. Your dad struggles to show you his emotions, hoping that you’d feel it through his actions, his little sacrifices, his protections.
  3. He might not always say the perfect things, but in his heart he means the perfect life for you. He is your biggest cheerleader and very pride of every progress you make in life. He means everything that you want to become, and wishes you all that you wish to be.
  4. Every single day you his life, he aspires to be the man that he wanted you to look up to. He aspire to be your greatest hope, that you would sore high and shine brighter that he ever could.
  5. Without a moment of hassitation, he would lay down everything for you. He would drop everything for you. Your safety, happiness and fulfilment means more to him that his own life.
  6. He would willingly walk the same path a million times over, just to you smiling. He’d suffer, be the martyr in your life, give all that which he has to make you happy.
  7. To him you aren’t just a part of his life, you are his life. You the candle that gives him light, the hope that give him joy, You are his sunshine, moon and entirely his whole world. He may not be good enough to make you realise this, but deep in him he means it. He is the only man who wishes you better that him.


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